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How to activate my account in XBP?
  1. Once you register for XBP SMB, you must click on the "Get Started" button on the website, located in the top right corner. You will be redirected to the pricing page.
  2. Once you select the Free Trial or the required subscription module, click on the "Register" link that will route you to a Sign-up form.
  3. After you give the user details in the Sign-Up form and click on the Sign-Up button, you will receive an email to activate your XBP account.
  4. Login to your registered email address inbox and search for the email "XBP for SMBs - Activate your account," sent by the registration team.
  5. Open the email, and click on the "Validate" link.
  6. The link will take you to the account setup page, where you can choose the desired pricing plan and proceed with the payment.
  7. Once the payment is complete, the portal will reroute you to the Login page.

And you are ready to go!

Can I use Social Media credentials to sign up?

Absolutely! You can register yourselves with Google login credentials. Below the Sign-Up Form on the website, you can view the options to register via Gmail address.

Is XBP SMB a cloud software, or do I need to download it?

You can sign into XBP for SMBs from your web browser. The website is compatible with devices like smartphones and tablets, too.

How do I register using my Gmail address for the Sign-up process?
  1. Once you register for XBP SMB, you must click on the "Get Started" button on the website, located in the top right corner. You will be redirected to the pricing page.
  2. Once you select the Free Trial or the required subscription module, click on the "Register" link that will route you to a Sign-up form. Below the sign-up form, you can view the option to "Google Sign-Up."
  3. Once you click on the Google Sign up, you might get the list of Gmail credentials you have used on your work PC, or it redirects to the Google Sign In page and asks for the credentials.
  4. Once the login process is successful, the user will be asked for Company Name, Country code, and Mobile number.
  5. Upon entering the details and clicking on "OK," the application will take you to the account setup page, where you can choose the desired pricing plan and proceed with the online payment.

Once the payment is complete, the portal will reroute you to the product landing page. And you are ready to go!

How do I Sign Up for Free Trial, and how long is it valid?

You can enroll for a risk-free product trial without being asked for your bank details! The trial period is valid for 14 days. After that, all you have to do is, from the Pricing page, click on the "Free Trial" subscription plan and proceed with the usual registration. Once you are onboarded and have had a great experience using XBP, you can select the pricing plan of your choice, pay online from the application, and continue getting the product's benefits!

How do I opt for monthly renewal to continue my subscription?

XBP SMB automatically renews your account every month on the same date as your initial enrollment date. In case of unforeseen circumstances, you will be automatically routed to the payment page on the subscription date to make payment and continue the service.

How XBP for SMBs helps to automate the Accounts Receivable Process?

With XBP for SMBs, users can create simple and professional invoices for their services, send them to customers electronically and receive payments efficiently. In addition, status tracking based on the payment status and regular reminder emails helps the user to be aware of the incoming cash flows, thus managing the receivables for the business.

How XBP for SMBs helps to automate the Accounts Payable Process?

With XBP for SMBs, a user can capture invoice data using powerful AI, get the invoices for review and approvals and pay online to the vendor using fast and secure payment methods.

Is there any limit on the number of Users I can include in the product?

Yes, there is. XBP for SMBs has designed their subscription packages keeping the size of the businesses in mind. So, based on your business, you can choose to opt for any of the given subscription plans that come with a pre-defined number of users. In case you want more users, we do have an option to include additional users at an extra cost.

Is there any limit on the number of online bills and invoices generated for the product?

Yes, there is. XBP for SMBs has designed their subscription packages keeping the size of the businesses in mind. Based on your business, you can choose to opt for any of the given subscription plans that come with the pre-defined number of allowable Invoices and Bills that the user can generate. So, If your business requires you to create more bills/invoices, you can feel free to upgrade to the other subscription plans!

How well XBP for SMBs is secure for my business?

XBP is designed to keep the security and protection of our users as a top priority.

  • Ensure strong password policy, automatic log out of user after a certain period of inactivity, and carrying out log in, email, and payment details via a secure channel.
  • Highly secure payment processing system conforming to PCI-DSS standards, thereby protecting your ACH, Wire /Card, and Check details.
  • Use of TLS and standard industry-based cipher measures to protect your data during transmission on the internet.
  • XBP has its server and infrastructure hosted in secured data centers.
How to connect my user account with the accounting software?

XBP for SMBs offers synchronization of Master data, Invoices, and Payment details with your accounting software. As a user, you no longer need to add the invoice and payment information more than once across different accounting systems. To activate the sync process, follow the simple steps,

  • From your user dashboard, go to Settings - Quick Sync. 
  • Select the accounting software of your choice from the drop-down. 
  • Clicking on "Set Up" will take you to a page where the user can log in to the book of records and initiate the sync process. 
  • Once the sync is complete, the details across both systems will be updated.
What accounting software does XBP SMB currently support?

Currently, XBP SMB supports integration with Quickbooks for syncing Customer, Vendor, and Item Master Data, New invoices, and their payment status. We will update our product constantly to support other Accounting solutions shortly and will keep you posted!

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